As our fur-friends, we do share a lot of things without day to day life, that includes food. But before you give your food to your pet just because you can eat it, read this!! it can even save your dog's life.
Good for us(in limited quantity), not good for dogs. They contain harmful chemicals that will severy impact your dog's digestive & nervous system. It can cause severe diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, coma & in serious cases even death.
Dogs love to eat sweet but that doesn't mean its good for them. Chocolate contains methylxanthines that are found in cacao seeds. If ingested it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, erratic heart rhythm, seizures, etc.
If they like chocolate try to give white chocolate as it contains very less amount of methylxanthines.
Onion & garlic have been known to upset stomach of dogs for a long time, They cause gastrointestinal irritation. They are also known to damage red blood cells. In a very small amount, it's safe for its medicinal purposes.
They are tasty but contain sodium which may cause this in excessive amount & urination. In severe cases, sodium ion poisoning may occur. You should not feed salty snacks for your dog, its different story if you want to munch on them!!
Extremely fatal, THere are reports that dogs have died because of eating a small number of raisins. We highly discourage pet parents to give grapes & raising to their dogs.
You should watch for symptoms like diarrhea, depression, fatigue, vomiting.
Just remember, what's safe for you, may not be safe for dogs. IF you are ensured of its safety avoid feeding it before researching it. Some food although harmful can be good in very small proportions.