Best Veterinary Doctor in Pune

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  • Best Veterinary Doctor Pune

    In animal clinics, veterinarians work with a companion, farm, and exotic animals to diagnose and treat acute and chronic diseases, provide targeted vaccines, treat parasitic infection and infestation, and perform minor surgeries like dressing wounds, mending broken bones, performing dental work to major ones like caesarean sections and also humanely euthanize whenever necessary. Veterinarians are also key contributors to ethical review processes in Vetro-legal cases, speaking with authority and pragmatism as the animals’ advocate. That is what these animals deserve, not only the five freedoms- freedom from hunger, freedom from discomfort i.e. having shelter, freedom from pain and suffering from disease, freedom to express its normal behavior, freedom from fear and distress; but proper internationally achievable and respected standards for their whole life.

    What are the services provided by the vets?

    Veterinarians look into the complete well-being and all-round health-care of your dear pets. Just like a physician for human-beings, a veterinarian examines your pet through a series of different activities and then takes care of their health.
    The following are the pet services offered by the vets in Pune:

    • Cataract Surgery
    • Blood Transfusion
    • Ultrasound
    • Indoor/Hospitalization for sick pets
    • FLEA scan

    What does a veterinarian do?

    A veterinarian is a medical professional who protects the health and well-being of both animals and people. They diagnose and control animal diseases and treat sick and injured animals. They also advise owners on proper care of their pets and livestock. Veterinarians provide a wide range of services in private practice, teaching, research, government service, public health, military service, private industry, and other areas.
    When taking the veterinarian’s oath, a doctor solemnly swears to use his or her scientific knowledge and skills “for the benefit of society, through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.”


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