Pet Clinics in Koregaon Park, Pune

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  • Top Pet Clinic in Koregaon Park

    Koregaon Park is an area in the Pune city which is located in the heart of the city, is a very posh and elite kind of area. It is among the top 5 posh places in Pune and is a residential area with a lot of greenery but these days turning into a commercial hub of hotels, and restaurants adding up to its nightlife. Its location is so perfect that the airport is just 5.8 km away and the Pune railway station is just 4 km away. But the point is that it is not just famous for its nightlife and stuff but it also offers all the services that your pet needs. Yes, right Koregaon Park is again a hub of good veterinarians in Pune.

    Pet care at home

    Caring and looking after pets is as hard as looking after your small kids and toddlers. It is indeed difficult to look after your pets but that is not impossible. Pet care is not that tough as you might think, you just need to follow some of the basic protocols.

    First of all, you need to have a small first-aid kit for your pet, in case of an emergency. The other thing is food supplies, you always need to have stock of the food supplies of your pet as it is very important. You should also try and keep your home clean and some of the things which your pet should not eat, away from their reach. If you have pets like birds, fish, or mice then you should be specifically alert about the predators lingering around the house and try and keep all the doors and windows closed and secured properly.

    Vet Consultation

    To keep the health of your pet intact and be relieved about it, it is always suggested to take consultation with a good veterinarian from time to time. It is advised that you should go to see the vet once in 2 or 3 months to regularly keep an eye on the health conditions of your pet. Vet consultation can sometimes be an eye-opener as the doctor may recognize something bad or unusual that maybe not visible for our naked human eyes, so it is vital to take your pet to the veterinarian once in a while.

    Second opinion regarding your pet.

    We humans always tend to opt for a second opinion to be double sure about the diagnosis of a doctor but we often refuse to do so in the case of our endearing pets. We should have a second opinion regarding the diagnosis when in doubt or when there is a need for surgery, just to check if the other vet could solve the problem without any surgeries.

    Pet’s Transportation

    We take a lot of care when we transport our valuable items, in the same way, we should be cautious with the same intensity for our pets when it comes to their transportation. Many of the animals come across motion sickness during the transportation process. We should take sufficient care by giving them tablets for motion sickness to smoother this transportation. Some of the pets tend to misbehave and get out of control while traveling. For them, you should always consult a doctor and keep the tranquilizers handy for calming them down.


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